How to Hire a Software Developer: the Best Way to Find and Hire Software Engineers & Developers in 2023
Hiring skilled and talented software developers is key to success. Let’s get more information on where to find and how to hire the best software engineers and developers with less money and time expenses

July 12, 2022
7 min read

The IT industry grows constantly, and it is expected from the software development market to expand at a CAGR of 11.7% by 2030. That means that the services of software developers are in high demand, and though there are more than 26.9 million programmers all over the world, finding a real gemstone for your team can be a die-hard task. Some pros are already hired, while others can refuse to take part in short-time projects or startups as they consider them risky. But still, you have a need for software developers, and we have some ideas on how to complete this task.
Let’s discover what is IT outstaffing and how it can help you to hire software developers in 2023. We’ll focus on the main benefits of getting an outstaffing pro and the main reasons to use our Voypost Talent Pool to decide where and how to hire a software developer for your project.
What to Do Before Hiring Software Developers
The first and foremost thing to do before you dive into the pool of software development specialists to hire is to decide what you actually want to get. That is, you need to highlight what type of project you want to develop, which technologies to use, and what time and budget you can spend on it. Answers to these questions may help you to choose the best candidate.
💻Tech Stacks: What Are the Most Popular
The second thing to consider is the choice of tech stacks for your projects. These are the number of tools and means that form the ecosystem which will be used for your software product. The most popular stacks in 2023 are as follows:
The MEAN stack includes Angular.JS, Node.JS, Express.JS, and MongoDB and today it is on the top due to its flexibility and scalability. Besides, they are open-sourced.
The MERN stack differs from MEAN just by implementing React instead of Angular.
The MEVN stack uses Vue.JS instead of Angular and it is also among the best stacks to choose from.
The LAMP stack is an eternal classic as it combines Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP in its ecosystem.
Flutter also wins the race as this stack is the one-for-all solution when you need to develop a web or mobile app.
If you want to hire an app developer but still do not know for sure which stack to use, it is better to get consulted with specialists.
⏳Timeline for Launching the Project
Timeline also matters when you want to learn how to hire a software developer. As it impacts the speed of software development. When you have less time to develop the product you may need to hire more pros to get results ASAP.
💥IT Outstaffing or In-House Hiring: What to Choose
The next thing to consider is the choice between hiring models. You can get an in-house developer if you are sure you will have more projects to engage them in the future. But when you have a single product to develop, it’s not a win-win idea, as fewer developers or engineers will be happy to be hired for a short-time project. Thus, outstaffing may be more convenient for you and the specialists you want to hire.
If you still have doubts about this, we can gladly help you. There is a special service we offer – Discovery Phase Service, which may come in handy in the pre-phase. It includes the following features which may help to consider how to hire software developers for your project:
Product analysis,
Product specifications,
Costs & timeline estimation,
Solution architecture,
UX/UI design consulting.
Thus, you can get an overall estimation and help with the initial development in the future.

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Main Advantages of IT Outstaffing Comparing to In-House Hiring
There are multiple advantages of an outstaffing hiring model you can evaluate.
🐱🏍Faster Search and Hiring
Outstaffing is fast. You are not limited by your area, and you can get in touch with developers all over the world. An average hiring time for a software developer is 3–14 days in this case. Besides, you can scale your team and control the development process, as outstaffing is just getting a pro who temporarily will work for you.
💰Fewer Costs Required
Outstaffed pros do not need you to manage their insurance or working space. You can hire pros from regions where average rates are lower than in the US/Western Europe. For example, you can get Ukrainian software engineers and developers to your team which will cost you less than hiring same level developers onsite, while the quality of work will be similarly high.
🔮Easier Team Maintenance
As usual, app, or software development takes 3–6 months, and then you need either to fire developers or continue to pay them if you get them in-house. With otstaffing, you do not need to do that, as you hire a pro for the time you need their services.
🦾Reliable Specialists to Hire
When you deal with outstaffing agencies or special platforms, you can get guarantees that you will hire the specialist you require. For example, in Voypost Talent Pool, we use multifactor selection based on HR department checks of 60+ skills, completion of test assignments, live coding tests, and interviews. As a result, you get a choice from 5% of the best software developers to hire for remote work.

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Get a consultation on hiring developers for startup projects. Our expertise and professionalism will help you quickly create a dream team for the development of any IT product
Voypost Talent Pool: How to Hire Software Developers Using It
When you decide to get through how to hire a software developer, we offer you the most convenient and fast way to do that. Voypost Talent Pool is a platform where the best “employee grapes” are represented. You can hire the specialist you need, including mobile app developers and software engineers in a matter of a week. We offer you three benefits to enjoy and to get the highest results for your software development goals.
📱User-Friendly Search
On Voypost Talent Pool, you can search for candidates using various filters to get a perfect match for your needs. There are special categories for web developers and mobile app developers to ease the search process for you.
📖Detailed Information About Developers
We provide our users with the most detailed information about each developer’s hard and soft skills, experience, portfolio, and education.
💫Customer Support & Consulting 24/7
We provide support and consulting around the clock. Just choose the most convenient communication channel to get the information you require from the Voypost Talent Pool team.
Deciding on how to hire a software developer in 2023 is easy. There is a convenient platform Voypost Talent Pool where you can get in touch with the best outstaffing pros to hire them for your project.