Meet @Kiril C.
Full stack developer
5 years of work
English B2, Russian C2, Ukrainian C2
Full-Stack Ruby on Rails developers with more than 5 years of experience. Worked with different teams and was involved in developing, maintaining, and upgrading more than 10 different projects. About: - responsible; - fast learning and self-learning person; - as a good team player as a standalone developer; - well-motivated; - enjoying when solving problems; Experience: Experienced in developing booking systems, Facebook Messenger chatbot, CMS systems, online books shop management system (maintaining store, generation, and printing shipping labels on remote printers), and developed gems (Ruby plugins). Did a lot of integrations and syncs with third-party APIs like (FollowUpBoss API, Nylas API, and Facebook API). Most of the projects are on NDA.
Inmate Photos/Inmate
3 years
www.ergoserv.comService that helps people message and share photos with inmates in USA jails. Worked on improving and updating business logic. Did migration of internal template emails into third-party Klaviyo marketing service by inserting data through API into templates. Worked with implementing and updating our API endpoints for our mobile apps. Technology: Rails 5, Grape API framework, PostgreSQL
1 year
www.ergoserv.comRealty project that helps realty companies maintain their deals. Implemented a lot of logic based on deal statuses, and calculations, providing metrics in graphics also. Developed a feature for better emailing between realtor companies and other users through Nylas Email API (creating secured email inboxes per company for mailing with users). Developed double-side synchronization between our service with realty companies and deals from FollowUpBoss service through API with webhooks events implementation. Faced a lot of technical problems and logic differences in our service and third-party service but solved them. Technology: Rails 5, Grape API, framework, Postgresql
1 year
www.ergrosev.comAdmin part of customer's bookshop. Helps the customer to process delivering books to the buyers. Here were implemented some features relating to printing shipping labels on customer printers through PringNode. Developed printing pdfs with shipping data based on shipping company APIs data (count, weight, country, etc). Parsing XML and CSV files in background jobs for the following processing. Technology: Rails 5, Active Admin, PrintNode, WickedPDF, Sidekiq, PostgreSQL
Enbro CMS
3 years
CMS of Enbro company. Ebro is a gas/electricity Belgium provider. CMS was written on the Ruby-based Hanami framework. There were a lot of tasks related to creating and processing pdf contracts, calculations, manipulating company data (offers, providers, contacts, etc.), developing charts, and extending API that connected to another Enbro user-oriented app. On the backend, for the part was used the Trailblazer operations pattern and a few other Dry.RB extensions like dry-initializer, dry-validation, dry-system Technology: Hanami, Rest API, PostgreSQL, Sequel, Dry.rb, Trailblazer, Rspec
2 years
www.5gates.comBooking system that helps customers to find the best apartment by needed locations and favorite activities (like surfing or climbing). Here I wrote a gem for working with a chosen payment system to easily share the functionality of operating payments between internal projects. Involved in developing the front-end part by ReactJS. Technology: Ruby on rails 4, HTML, SCSS, Bootstrap3, Devise, jQuery, PostgreSQL, ReactJS, ActiveAdmin, Adyen, web packer, Resque, Rspec, Capybara
2 years
www.5gates.comGeneral booking system with a dashboard for companies and suppliers. Was written using the full set of technologies. Also, have an admin part. Technology: ROR - 3, Haml, SCSS, Bootstrap3, jQuery, MySQL, Resque, Devise, Rspec, Capybara
8 months
active-bridge.comThe main site of Active Bridge company. Worked with the main part and mobile design. Also with blog design. Technology: ROR 5, slim, SCSS, jQuery, PostgreSQL, Devise, Rspec, Capybara
3 months
active-bridge.comThis magic app integrates into Github applications and helps you to keep clean your GitHub repository and rebase branches. Also, it notifies you if your branch has any conflicts. You can set "auto rebase" and the app will automatically rebase if it has no conflicts. Technology: ROR, slim, SCSS, jQuery, PostgreSQL, Rspec
4 months
active-bridge.comChatbot for Engie company page on Facebook. Bot give you a few variants of scenarios and work with data that users print in chat. Technology: ROR, slim, PostgreSQL, Facebook API, Sidekiq, Rspec
3 months
active-bridge.comDaisyBill is a cloud-based software for providers to electronically submit and manage worker's compensation medical bills. Completed many tasks with business logic on the admin panel. Improved coverage of spec. Write your own gem that helps us find and set missing foreign keys in DB.
Intertech Software development
10 months
Develop server-side applications, organization databases, and create own libraries.
Cherkasy state business university
Bachelor degree in Software development
4 years
Сherkasy state technological university, Ukraine
Computer networks
2 years
Geekhub course, Cherkasy, Ukraine
Ruby on Rails development
12 months
Geekhub course, Cherkasy, Ukraine
Frontend + CMS
12 months